美国的原始          American Primitive


  你瞧,他头戴高尚筒礼帽,  Look at him there in his stovepipe hat,
  长统皮靴,标致的硬领式样; His high-top shoes,and his handsome collar;
  只有俺爹才会这样骄傲,   Only my Daddy could oll like that,
  俺爱俺爹就像他爱他的大洋。 And I love my Daddy like he loves his Dollar.

  有人撞门,声音很不妙,   The screen door bangs,and it sounds so funny-
  但他还浸浴在黄金之中;   There he is in a shower of gold;
  口袋里塞满褶叠的钞票,   His pockets are stuffed with folding money,
  却嘴唇发青,两手冰冷。   His lips are blue,and his hands feel cold.

  他用黑领巾在大厅上吊,   His hangs in the hall by his black cravat,
  妇女晕倒,孩子们惊慌;   The ladies faint,and the children holler:
  只有俺爹才会这样骄傲,   Only my Daddy could look like that,
  俺爱俺爹就像他爱他的大洋。 And I love my Daddy like he loves his Dollar.